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How to S-T-A-R-T-U-P Your Own Business 06:00 PM - 09:01 tt
Aug 04, 2010
Thinking of starting your own business? This seminar gives the aspiring entrepreneur a realistic view of the seven basic requirements for business STARTUP: selecting an idea, testing the market, acquiring capital, writing a plan, turning for help, understanding legal requirements, and putting it all together.
How to S~T~A~R~T~U~P Your Own Business is the first class in the STARTUP workshops, a series of affordable business classes designed for business owners who have recently opened a business and for individuals who are planning to start a new business. Discounts are available to those completing the entire series which include the following topics:

Business Startup
Record Keeping/Taxes

Please click on our
Workshopsto view the entire series of STARTUP classes.

Although we recommend completing the whole series, How to S~T~A~R~T~U~P Your Own Business is by far the most important class for those interested in starting a business.

For fee inquiries or to register please call (386) 506-4723 or email [email protected].
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